The Chalk Pit – UPDATE

The Otford Society caught up with Cllr Irene Roy following the Press Release about the Chalk Pit closure.  Cllr Roy explained that she had arranged a site meeting at the chalk Pit with SDC Officers and Scout Group Leaders to provide an opportunity for Officers to set out the plan of action to ensure the safety of the Scout Land and answer questions.  We were pleased to hear that ground penetration surveys of the scout land will take place next week to ensure there are no safety risks to the area given the proximity of this land and the safety issues identified by the surveys of the Chalk Pit.  Cllr Roy has also re-iterated that the District Council has no plans to dispose of the chalk pit for development which is excellent news for the community.  Whilst the broader site will remain closed pending more detailed surveys, we understand that Sevenoaks District Council remain committed to restoring this Open Space for the benefit of the community and SDC understand the urgency required given the site’s importance to the community.