Have you seen the wonderful new Otford Heritage Trail sign next to the red phone box near the pond? The Heritage Trail is a series of ten illustrated information boards located throughout the village.
Each board tells the story of the near-by period homes.
There are two pamphlet dispensers attached to the sign. One contains a small booklet of ten circular walks around Otford and the other contains a pamphlet with a map of the Heritage Trail.
The sign, commissioned by the Amenities and Services Committee of the Parish Council, was illustrated by Rod Shelton and designed by Phil Clucas. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, Otford Parish Council and the Otford Society & Fete Committee.
On Bank Holiday Monday, 26th August, 40 circular walk booklets and 20 Heritage Trail pamphlets were taken by visitors which just shows how popular Otford is with walkers!