Christmas is just around the corner and this year, with generous financial support from Otford Parish Council, we’ve been putting up warm Christmas lights on shops and businesses throughout the village: along the High Street, the Parade and up at Yvonne’s Shop. In line with our commitment to #greenchristmasotford, we have chosen LED lights that won’t be using up much money or electricity. We are staying as green as we can, and the warm tones of Yuletide will be there to cheer us all through the darkest months of winter.
With COP26 fresh in all our minds, the Otford Society wants to encourage you to make this year your most eco-friendly and sustainable Christmas yet. So look around our village and see where we have made changes to help, such as planting trees or installing environmentally friendly bins. You might even include an elf! Be creative and show us where our village could do more to help Planet Earth for our grandchildren. Nothing is off limits – just make sure it’s visually appealing.
To submit your photo, upload it to Instagram, Twitter or Facebook using the hashtag #greenchristmasotford. In doing so you consent to entering our competition. If you should be chosen as one of the winners we reserve the right to display your photo on our website and social media. The closing date for the competition will be Sunday 28 February.