Merry Christmas!

Robin photo courtesy of David Birchall

Merry Christmas to everyone in our wonderful village from all of us at the Otford Society!  

2024 has been another successful and busy year and we have even more fantastic events planned for 2025.  You can read all about them in The Village Voice.  Click on the button below to find out more.

Wishing you all the very best for the holiday season.  See you in 2025!

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Otford Christmas Fayre 2024

A HUGE thank you to everyone who came out to support the 3rd Annual Otford Village Christmas Fayre yesterday, despite the challenging weather brought on by Storm Bert!

While 14 other events in the county were cancelled, our incredible management team pulled off a remarkable feat—replanning the entire event to move every single stall indoors in less than 24 hours!
We couldn’t have done it without the amazing support of Otford’s institutions and wonderful people. To name just a few: St Bart’s Church, Little Treacles Nursery, Otford Parish Council, The Methodist Church, Otford Scouts, The Sea Cadets, The Bull Pub, Otford Village Shops, Otford Library, Captain Fantastic, Sevenoaks Players, Father Christmas and, of course, our fantastic team of 40 volunteers who worked tirelessly to ensure everything ran smoothly. 
Many of our stallholders reported excellent sales, with some even setting record sales despite the weather. Your support means the world to these small businesses, many of who are struggling to make a living.
Thank you again, Otford—you made this event a success, and we are so grateful for your community spirit!
We certainly showed Bert that the show goes on in Otford whatever the weather throws at us!
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Otford Society bi-annual meeting

The Otford Society’s bi-annual meeting is on Thursday October 31st at the Otford Village Memorial Hall.  The evening will start with a wine reception at 7pm.

Join us to hear the latest updates and our future plans.  Additionally, there will be a unique presentation by Rod Shelton titled “Well I Never Knew THAT!”  a light-hearted and surprising exploration of the villages of the Darent.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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The Otford Heritage Trail

Have you seen the wonderful new Otford Heritage Trail sign next to the red phone box near the pond? The Heritage Trail is a series of  ten illustrated information boards located throughout the village.

Each board tells the story of the near-by period homes.

There are two pamphlet dispensers attached to the sign. One contains a small booklet of ten circular walks around Otford and the other contains a pamphlet with a map of the Heritage Trail.

The sign, commissioned by the Amenities and Services Committee of the Parish Council, was illustrated by Rod Shelton and designed by Phil Clucas.   It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, Otford Parish Council and the Otford Society & Fete Committee.  

On Bank Holiday Monday, 26th August,  40 circular walk booklets and 20 Heritage Trail pamphlets were taken by visitors which just shows how popular Otford is with walkers!

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